Friday, December 9, 2011

Abortion...It can be a Good Thing

Is it worth it?

Yes, no, maybe so...?

Earlier this week, when faced with the dire reality of a situation that she, in all likelihood, created, Rachelle Grimmer killed herself after shooting her two young children when she was denied food assistance benefits in Laredo, Texas. We don’t know why Rachelle decided that death was the best way out, nor do we know why she decided to try to take her children along with her, but we can safely assume that she had become so overwhelmed with life to the point that the only solution, as she saw it, was in a bullet.

Tragedy often makes people wonder whether preventable measures could have been taken, and in Rachelle Grimmer’s case, the answer is probably yes. Though we don’t know the complete history of Rachelle Grimmer’s history and background, we do know that she had recently moved from Ohio to Texas with her two children in search of a better life, but had wound up living in a small, run-down trailer in a small, run-down town. We also know that Rachelle didn’t have the means to support her children. If she had, she wouldn’t have had to rely on government assistance for help.

Rachelle’s situation isn’t unique. Millions of impoverished mothers all across America are scraping together whatever they can in order to provide for their children. Sometimes fathers of those children are in the picture, sometimes they aren’t; however, even with the help of child support, many households headed by single mothers are still impoverished.

The solution to this problem is really simple—abort.

If a single woman finds herself pregnant, and she determines that she will not likely be able to afford to raise her child on her current income and has no realistic plan to increase her earning potential in the near future, then she has no business becoming a mother.

A woman who brings children into the world under less than ideal circumstances has no respect for her children. It is completely selfish to have children without the means to provide for those children. It is too idealistic to rely on governmental support during a time when the national deficit has skyrocketed and state and federal agencies are cutting back on welfare programs. It is just as idealistic, and just flat out stupid, for a woman to rely on help from a man who did not even think enough of her to marry her before knocking her up. (Many men today feel it is not their responsibility to provide support for “unwanted” children anyway.)
It seems harsh, but it’s true. While the perception is that abortion is the worst thing you could do to an unborn child, the reality is that it’s much worse to allow them to have to endure life under dire and overwhelming circumstances.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Blacks Voting for Barack Obama are like Turkeys Voting for Thanksgiving

(Former?) Barack Obama Supporter Venting Frustration


For the month of November 2011, it was touted that employment in America is down to 8.6%, or the lowest it's been in 2 years.  If one was to dig deeper into the statistics, you would see the story for what it is, whites are getting hired at a higher rate while black unemployment is reaching historic levels.

View Bureau of Labor Statistics for unemployment rates in November 2011:

As reported in Novemeber 2011, black male unemployment has risen to 16.5%, up from 16.2% in October.  Black female unemployment has risen to 12.9%, up from 12.6% in October. 

In comparison, under the Obama administration, most recently white male unemployment has dropped the most from 7.9% to 7.3%.  White female employment is the lowest at 6.9%.

This information makes you wonder how is it possible that blacks in America, a group that voted in record numbers to elect the current president, are the group that is suffering most.  Is it shocking that whites are benefitting more from a black president in office? Were black people in America better off economically under the Bush administration? While the perception is that having a black president would be beneficial to blacks in America, the reality is that blacks have been worse off economically now than they've been in decades.

The question I pose is will these facts influence a change in results for the next presidential election or will the black voting public continue to emulate turkeys voting for Thanksgiving?

Friday, December 2, 2011

What do Tiger Woods and Herman Cain Have in Common?

Eldrick "Tiger" Woods

Herman Cain


I’m going to go ahead and start my career on this blog with a post about one of life’s greatest maxims: hoes be winnin. That’s right. Though the exchange of personal (sexual) value for success (money) has long been prevalent, it is only recent that such a phenomenon has left the shadows of hush-hush secrecy and proudly asserted itself as the centerpiece of American living rooms via network and basic cable television.
Maybe I was late to the party, but the first time it became blatant to me that hoes were winning was what I like to call the Thanksgiving Day Tragedy of 2009. Not long after Eldrick “Tiger” Woods crashed his SUV into a tree while fleeing his golf-club wielding wife, “mistress” after “mistress” (or, shall we say, jumpoff after jumpoff) came out of the woodworks claiming to have had sexual relations with Woods during his brief marriage with Elin Nordegren. These women, several of whom were involved in either the adult entertainment or reality television industries, couldn’t resist being  given money and publicity in exchange for the salacious details of the relationships and text messages they shared with Woods. Then, in what became the second-greatest trick pulled during the saga, Rachel Uchitel got $10M from Woods in order NOT to speak publicly about their relationship. (She was later forced to remit the money to Woods when she, amazingly, could not keep her mouth shut about her relationship history while appearing on a reality television show). Nearly all of these women profited off of their sexual relationships with Woods, while he, in turn, lost endorsements, golf tournaments, and respect in the court of public opinion.

Not only are hoes winning for monetary reasons, but they’re also winning in the area “moral perception.” The concept of hoes being somehow moral may seem somewhat of a paradox; however, it can be explained perfectly by the current Herman Cain situation (or really, any situation in which a politician is caught pants-down in an extra-marital affair). Dating back to the last several weeks, four women “came forward” (prompted by the media and Cain’s GOP competitors, undoubtedly) alleging that Cain had sexually harassed them during the 1990s and early 2000s. This week, yet another woman revealed that she had been engaged in an affair with Cain that spanned some thirteen years. Through all of the accusations, eyes have not been on the women; no, Cain has borne the brunt of the public scorn and disapproval. Though he was leading in the GOP primary polls before any allegations against him were made, he is currently tied for third place with Texas Governor Rick Perry, the man who stumbled when trying to remember his own presidential platform.

Some may blame feminism, some may blame capitalism, but I blame “hoes be winnin” on stupidity. Men seem to no longer be intelligent enough to keep their “mistresses” from outing them. Sure, the game has changed, but only the strong survive, and these men are losing. So although the popular perception is that hoes don’t win, reality tells us that these hoes will continue to win until men catch up.