Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Blacks Voting for Barack Obama are like Turkeys Voting for Thanksgiving

(Former?) Barack Obama Supporter Venting Frustration


For the month of November 2011, it was touted that employment in America is down to 8.6%, or the lowest it's been in 2 years.  If one was to dig deeper into the statistics, you would see the story for what it is, whites are getting hired at a higher rate while black unemployment is reaching historic levels.

View Bureau of Labor Statistics for unemployment rates in November 2011: http://www.bls.gov/news.release/empsit.t02.htm

As reported in Novemeber 2011, black male unemployment has risen to 16.5%, up from 16.2% in October.  Black female unemployment has risen to 12.9%, up from 12.6% in October. 

In comparison, under the Obama administration, most recently white male unemployment has dropped the most from 7.9% to 7.3%.  White female employment is the lowest at 6.9%.

This information makes you wonder how is it possible that blacks in America, a group that voted in record numbers to elect the current president, are the group that is suffering most.  Is it shocking that whites are benefitting more from a black president in office? Were black people in America better off economically under the Bush administration? While the perception is that having a black president would be beneficial to blacks in America, the reality is that blacks have been worse off economically now than they've been in decades.

The question I pose is will these facts influence a change in results for the next presidential election or will the black voting public continue to emulate turkeys voting for Thanksgiving?

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